Top "Webdriver" questions

WebDriver is an API for controlling web browsers, imitating a real user.

How do I set a proxy for phantomjs/ghostdriver in python webdriver?

I'm trying to figure out how to route my requests through an HTTP proxy. I'm initializing webdriver like this: user_…

python proxy webdriver phantomjs ghostdriver
Selenium 2 Webdriver and IE 9 Security Certificate

I have some Selenium 2 Webdriver test cases for Firefox and Internet Explorer 9. When I access https URLs on IE9 (Windows 7 64…

internet-explorer-9 webdriver selenium-webdriver
How do i wait for a specific frame to load? I'm using selenium webdriver 2.24

I used the webdriver backed selenium to wait for a specific frame to load. since in certain cases the switching …

webdriver frames
Is it possible to use Selenium WebDriver to drive PhantomJS?

I’m going through the documentation for the Selenium WebDriver, and it can drive Chrome for example. I was thinking, …

selenium web-scraping webdriver phantomjs
Selenium webdriver: Modifying navigator.webdriver flag to prevent selenium detection

I'm trying to automate a very basic task in a website using selenium and chrome but somehow the website detects …

java selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver webdriver-w3c-spec
How to run ghostdriver with Selenium using java

I want to use phantomJS for some web testing, and I've come across GhostDriver ( I've …

java selenium-webdriver webdriver phantomjs ghostdriver
Unable to execute dex: Java heap space Java heap space

I am getting Unable to execute dex: Java heap space Java heap space error while executing web driver script in …

android selenium webdriver
How can I use command line arguments in Angularjs Protractor?

I'm using Protractor to perform some end to end tests, and I'd like to pass in login credentials through the …

javascript angularjs selenium webdriver protractor
How to click in a specific part of a Button using Selenium, for the list of options to be displayed?

<table id="ext-comp-1389" class="x-btn x-btn-text-icon " cellspacing="0" style="width: auto;"> <tbody class="x-btn-small x-btn-icon-small-left"> <tr&…

selenium webdriver selenium-rc junit4 sahi