Top "Webclient" questions

WebClient is a class for .NET Framework applications that provides methods for sending and receiving data from a resource identified by a URI.

How to set WebClient Content-Type Header?

To conect to a third party service I need to make a Https Post. One of the requisites set is …

c# content-type webclient
C# WebClient disable cache

Good day. I'm using the WebClient class in my C# application in order to download the same file every minute, …

c# caching webclient
WebClient vs. HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse

It seems to me that most of what can be accomplished with HttpWebRequest/Response can also be accomplished with the …

.net httpwebrequest webclient httpwebresponse
How to read a WebClient response after posting data?

Behold the code: using (var client = new WebClient()) { using (var stream = client.OpenWrite("http://localhost/", "POST")) { stream.Write(post, 0, post.…

c# .net webclient
Deleting file from FTP in C#

My program can upload files into an FTP server using this code: WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Credentials = new System.…

c# .net ftp webclient delete-file
Authenticate and request a user's timeline with Twitter API 1.1 oAuth

This morning I have received the dreaded 'The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API …

c# twitter webclient twitter-oauth
How can I programmatically remove the 2 connection limit in WebClient

Those "fine" RFCs mandate from every RFC-client that they beware of not using more than 2 connections per host... Microsoft implemented …

.net http connection webclient limit
How to use String in WebClient.DownloadStringAsync URL

I currently have this for my WebClient URL WebClient Detail = new WebClient(); Detail.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(Detail_DownloadStringCompleted); Detail.DownloadStringAsync(…

c# silverlight windows-phone-7 webclient
Exception handling the right way for WebClient.DownloadString

I was wondering what exceptions I should protect myself against when using WebClient.DownloadString. Here's how I'm currently using it, …

c# .net webclient
WebClient + HTTPS Issues

I am currently integrating with a system created by a 3rd party. This system requires me to send a request …

c# https webclient