Top "Webclient" questions

WebClient is a class for .NET Framework applications that provides methods for sending and receiving data from a resource identified by a URI.

Difference between shouldoverrideurlloading and shouldinterceptrequest?

Anyone please tell me the difference between methods public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest (WebView view, WebResourceRequest request) and public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView …

android webview webclient intercept
Accept Cookies in WebClient?

I just started experimenting with C# WebClient. What I have is the code below which gets html code from a …

c# html cookies webclient
Read response header from WebClient in C#

I'm trying to create my first windows client (and this is my fist post her), there shall communicate with a "…

c# header response webclient
How to transfer multiple files from FTP server to local directory using C#?

I can transfer one file from ftp server to local directory. using the following code using (WebClient ftpClient = new WebClient()) { …

c# ftp webclient transfer
Is there a way to do a PUT with WebClient?

with the WebClient class in .NET 4.0, is there a way to do a PUT? I know you can do a …

c# .net-4.0 webclient
How to check if a file exists on a server using c# and the WebClient class

In my application I use the WebClient class to download files from a Webserver by simply calling the DownloadFile method. …

c# http file webclient exists
Automatically decompress gzip response via WebClient.DownloadData

I wish to automatically uncompress GZiped response. I am using the following snippet: mywebclient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding] = "gzip"; mywebclient.Encoding = …

.net gzip webclient
Get Content-Disposition parameters

How do I get Content-Disposition parameters I returned from WebAPI controller using WebClient? WebApi Controller [Route("api/mycontroller/GetFile/{fileId}")] …

c# webclient httpresponse content-disposition
How can I get the WebClient to use Cookies?

I would like the WebClient to remember cookies. I have searched and tried numerous overloads classes. I want … webclient
Use WebClient with socks proxy

Is there any way to use a socks proxy with WebClient? Specifically with the DownloadString method that it provides? I …

c# .net webclient socks webclient-download