Top "Webclient" questions

WebClient is a class for .NET Framework applications that provides methods for sending and receiving data from a resource identified by a URI.

How to read the Website content in c#?

I want to read the website text without html tags and headers. i just need the text displayed in the …

c# html httpwebrequest webclient streamreader
C# Download file from webservice

I have a web service, like this example for downloading a zip file from the server. When i open the …

c# webclient webclient-download
How to Set TimeOut for WebClient on .net?

I download some file but I also want to set timeout for webclient. As I see there is no change …

c# timeout webclient webrequest downloadfileasync
Why it always throws an ObjectDisposedException?

Due to the fact that the windows phone can't handle gif, I write a little method, but it seems that …

c# windows-phone-7 exception webclient objectdisposedexception
C# get rid of Connection header in WebClient

I'm using the C# using the WebClient(). I was testing out what headers are sent, and I noticed that the …

c# webclient
System.Net.WebClient fails weirdly

I am trying to download some data from the reporting services instance on our TFS server. Given that the code …

c# webclient
HEAD with WebClient?

I am going to assume the answer is no but.... Is there a way to use WebClient to send the …

.net http webclient head
Need some advice for trying to mock a .NET WebClient or equivalent

I've got some code which downloads some RSS feeds. I've been using WebClient or Argotic.Syndication.RssFeed libraries. But these …

c# .net mocking moq webclient
trying to upload a file to Ftp but getting the error: "file name not allowed"!

So I was trying to upload a 1kb text file to my ftp server but this error comes up: The …

c# upload ftp webclient public-html
Webclient downloadfileasync not working

I got a WPF application and I want to download a file. I'm using System.Net; and I have the …

c# webclient downloadfileasync