Top "Watchservice" questions

WatchService is a Java API for watching changes on a filesystem.

Can I watch for single file change with WatchService (not the whole directory)?

When I'm trying to register a file instead of a directory java.nio.file.NotDirectoryException is thrown. Can I listen …

java watchservice
Java 7 WatchService - Ignoring multiple occurrences of the same event

The javadoc for StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY says: Directory entry modified. When a directory is registered for this event then the …

java file nio watchservice
How to watch a folder and subfolders for changes

I´m trying to watch a specific folder for changes, and then if any addition/edition/removal happens inside of …

java watchservice
Java WatchService not generating events while watching mapped drives

I implemented a file watcher but I noticed that java nio file watcher doesn't generate events for files being copied …

java file nio mapped-drive watchservice
Monitor subfolders with a Java watch service

I am using watchKey to listen for a file change in a particular folder. Path _directotyToWatch = Paths.get("E:/Raja"); …

java watchservice
Is Java 7 WatchService Slow for Anyone Else?

WatchService looks like a great technology but its been too slow to be useful on the OS X and Linux …

java nio watchservice
Java 7 WatchService - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

I followed the Watching a Directory for Changes Java7 nio2 tutorial to recursively monitor the entire contents of a directory …

java file-io java-7 watchservice
How can I abort Spring-Boot startup?

I'm writing a Spring-Boot application to monitor a directory and process files that are being added to it. I register …

java spring-boot watchservice