Top "Vspackage" questions

VSPackages are software modules that extend the Visual Studio IDE by providing UI elements, services, projects, editors, and designers.

Visual Studio 2012 error: Package 'Visual C++ package' failed to load

When I'm trying to open any solutions that worked fine before in Visual Studio 2012, the error "Package 'Visual C++ package' …

visual-studio-2012 vspackage
My vs package did not load correctly

I've got an addin that I developed and used with earlier versions of Visual Studio, and I've managed to develop …

visual-studio-2015 visual-studio-addins vspackage
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." when building a Visual Studio 2010 VSPackage

I recently create a couple of VSPackages for some Visual Studio extensions (menu bar/command). I compiled them correctly yesterday, …

visual-studio-2010 vspackage
How do you get the current solution directory from a VSPackage?

Following is how you would get the current solution directory from an add-in: _applicationObject = (DTE2)application; // retrieved from OnConnection method …

c# visual-studio solution vs-extensibility vspackage
'VSPackage' package did not load correctly

I'm having this error pop up once I start Visual Studio professional 2013 with update 3. I don't know whats going on …

visual-studio-2013 vspackage
Extending the Visual Studio 2010 editor by adding a context menu item to manipulate selected text

I'd like to create an extension to Visual Studio that will allow someone to select any text in an editor, …

visual-studio-2010 contextmenu mef vspackage
VSIX package build failed without showing the reason (Visual Studio bug)

I have to enabled diagnostic mode of MSBuild project build output verbosity to see this: 1>Done executing task "EnableExtension" …

visual-studio vsix vs-extensibility vspackage
How can i retrieve devenv.exe path for a vspackage installation?

I'm following this tutorial to create a VsPackage Setup. In the part …

visual-studio-2008 devenv vspackage
"Visual Studio Integration Package" vs "Visual Studio Add-in": what is the difference?

When creating a new extension for visual studio, there are two project options: "Visual Studio Integration Package" and "Visual Studio …

visual-studio vsx visual-studio-addins vspackage