VSIX package build failed without showing the reason (Visual Studio bug)

jwaliszko picture jwaliszko · Apr 1, 2013 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

I have to enabled diagnostic mode of MSBuild project build output verbosity to see this:

1>Done executing task "EnableExtension" -- FAILED. (TaskId:81)
1>Done building target "DeployVsixExtensionFiles" in project "myextension.csproj" -- FAILED.: (TargetId:93)
1>Build FAILED.
1>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.27
========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

My problem is I cannot debug the Visual Studio extension package I'm working on, as the build output says something has failed. What's wired, the obj and bin folders with all content inside (including vsix package), has been created. I don't really know what special I've changed, because few hours ago everything was fine.

How can I investigate what has gone wrong ?

Btw: I'm using VS 2012 Premium Update 1


I remembered what I've done. While being in debug mode, I entered Tools -> Extensions and Updates, and uninstalled my currently debugged extension (without restarting VS after that operation). Further attempt of debugging (F5 after CLOSING Experimental Instance of VS) results in this mysterious build behavior.


jwaliszko picture jwaliszko · Apr 1, 2013

My current workaround I've come up with after some time is to change the display name of the extension package in the source.extension.vsixmanifest file:

    <DisplayName>Change this name to sth else and press F5</DisplayName>

Nothing else needs to be changed (unfortunately reversion to old name still fires this error, but at least developing and debugging can be continued).


I've checked the windows registry for such problematic name, and found following PendingDeletions key:


Under this key there is value pointing at my extension I've previously uninstalled (while being in the debug mode):


Removal of this entry fixes that case.