Top "Viewport" questions

A viewport is a rectangular viewing region in computer graphics, or a term used for optical components.

Reset scale/width/zoom of Safari on iPhone using JavaScript/onorientationchange

I am displaying different content depending on how the user is holding his/her phone using the onorientationchange call in …

javascript iphone width zoom viewport
Detect when elements within a scrollable div are out of view

I need to find a good solution to the following problem. I see a lot of people asking about tracking …

javascript jquery html tracking viewport
Calculating Viewport Height on Chrome Android with CSS

So I noticed that mobile Chrome calculates the address bar into the viewport height. Because of this using height: 100vh …

css google-chrome mobile background-image viewport
Is the viewport meta tag really necessary?

I've created a few responsive sites but am rather new to responsive site development. In my CSS 99% of my values …

css responsive-design viewport
percentage width in css not working

I was using a way to define my width property in css with the viewport measurement, css code: #content { position: …

html css width viewport percentage
Mobile viewport height after orientation change

I am attaching a listener to the orientationchange event: window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function () { console.log(window.innerHeight); }); I need to …

javascript html mobile viewport orientation-changes
Difference between visual viewport and layout viewport?

What is the Difference between visual viewport and layout viewport for a mobile device like iPhone/iPad? I have gone …

html css ipad mobile-website viewport
To "user-scalable=no" or not to "user-scalable=no"

I've read different threads but never got to a clear conclusion, what are the differences, advantages and disadvantages of using …

html mobile responsive-design viewport meta
How to lock viewport to Portrait Orientation in HTML5/CSS3

Is it possible to lock the view port's orientation to portrait on a mobile device? I Googled it but could …

html css mobile viewport portrait
How is the meta viewport tag used, and what does it do?

What browsers support this meta tag? How do i use it? Does this mean it will solve all my mobile …

html meta-tags viewport