Top "Viewdidload" questions

Method in UIViewController class (Apple iOS SDK) for managing the view.

viewDidLoad called before prepareForSegue finishes

I was under the impression that viewDidLoad will be called AFTER prepareForSegue finishes. This is even how Hegarty teaches his …

ios storyboard segue viewdidload
What is the difference between view controller life cycle and view life cycle in iOS?

Reading several tutorials and books on iOS development I often encounter terms : UIViewController life cycle and UIView life cycle. I'm …

ios objective-c uiview uiviewcontroller viewdidload
Reload and not reload if press back from different view controllers. Swift

The top three answers can solve my questions. It is hard to pick which one is the best. So, I …

ios swift back-button viewdidload viewdidappear
Swift/iOS: IBOutlet nil after loading view controller

I'm building an app (in XCode 8.2.1) where some objects are displayed on a 2D board, and when the user taps …

ios swift xcode uiviewcontroller viewdidload
How to add an animation to the UIView in viewDidAppear?

I tried to add a animation to viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear, but it doesn't work: - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [UIView …

iphone xcode uiview viewdidload viewdidappear
Get parameter from URL Scheme - Swift Xcode

I've made a URL scheme in the Info.plist to call my app, but the URL also parses a string …

ios swift url-scheme viewdidload info.plist
UITableView: load all cells

Is it possible to load all cells of an UITableView when the view is loaded so that they are not …

objective-c xcode uitableview viewdidload
Force viewDidLoad to fire on iOS

I have two window app and while I present first window I would like the view in second window to …

ios iphone viewdidload loadview
CATransaction setting animation duration not working

I am learning Core Animation and trying out sample examples. When I use the following code, the animation duration works @…

ios opengl-es core-animation calayer viewdidload
Is there an iOS method that fires when Autolayout has completed?

I have an iOS app in which I need to know when a new view is completely visible on-screen; that …

ios autolayout viewdidload