Top "Viewdidload" questions

Method in UIViewController class (Apple iOS SDK) for managing the view.

viewDidLoad is called twice

My viewDidLoad in a view controller is called twice. Once by [UIViewController View] and a second time by [UINib instanciateWithOwner:…

ios uiviewcontroller uikit viewdidload viewcontroller-lifecyle
presentModalViewController in viewDidLoad on first launch

I've been searching around but unfortunately have had no luck. My app requires the user to sign in/sign up …

iphone objective-c viewdidload
iOS: How to know if viewDidLoad got called?

Is there a BOOL or some other way of knowing if viewDidLoad: has been called? I need to change a …

iphone ios uiviewcontroller viewdidload viewwillappear
"self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem" Not working

I have the following code taken straight from the NavBar sample code from Apple. I put this in the viewDidLoad …

iphone objective-c ios viewdidload rightbarbuttonitem
init method vs. a viewDidLoad type method

What is the general guideline for the difference between the types of code (object allocation, setting up ui elements, network …

ios uiviewcontroller initialization viewdidload
instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier seems to call viewdidload

I am trying to push a ViewController programmatically into a navigation controller, And I'm using my storyboard to create it. …

ios objective-c storyboard instantiation viewdidload
Set UITabBarItem title programmatically?

My app is based on a tab bar architecture. In order to have an easy internationalisation mechanic, I do not …

ios uitabbarcontroller uitabbar viewdidload uitabbaritem
perform segue in viewDidLoad() without navigation controller in Swift

I have three views (view 1 checks a server connection, view 2 shows the main content, view3 shows the support page) and …

swift uinavigationcontroller storyboard segue viewdidload
iOS function to be called once (when application is initialized)

I have an iOS application. Application has 2 different views: Main and Settings. In fact, application needs to load and initialize …

objective-c ios viewdidload
ViewDidLoad not called when adding to Container View

I have a container view set up in my storyboard file but I want to embed the view controller programatically …

ios objective-c viewdidload