Top "Viewcontroller" questions

viewcontroller is a design pattern which is a hybrid of the view and controller components of the MVC architecture

presentViewController animation from side

I have a single view App and want to show a new ViewController when pressing a nav bar button in …

ios viewcontroller
What is better place for loading data from API- viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear?

I am making an IOS app where i am calling an API in viewDidLoad method of view controller. Now i …

ios viewcontroller
viewController appearing black when appearing

Hi All I'm new to iOS development and am currently having an issue with something, I'm trying to make a …

iphone objective-c ios ios5 viewcontroller
Pushing View Controller more than once is not supported?

I am getting the following error whenever I try to switch views like this: -(void)changeView1ToView4 { [self.navigationController1 …

ios error-handling crash viewcontroller
How to reference the current Viewcontroller from a Sprite Kit Scene

I'm having a hard time finding the answer to this question I assume is not that hard. How can I …

ios reference sprite-kit viewcontroller skscene
Get the top ViewController in iOS Swift

I want to implement a separate ErrorHandler class, which displays error messages on certain events. The behavior of this class …

swift uialertview viewcontroller uiwindow
switching view controllers using swipe gestures

Okay so here is the problem I'm running into: I am attempting to switch from one viewController that I named …

ios objective-c viewcontroller uiswipegesturerecognizer
ViewDidAppear not called when the modal view is dismissed

First, I create a MainViewController. Then in MainViewController, I do [self presentViewController:modalViewController animated:YES completion:nil]; modalViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet; …

ios objective-c iphone viewcontroller modalviewcontroller
Dismiss pushed view controller

So I have a view controller which I display as follows: func showProfileForTrainer(trainer: Trainers) { let viewPTProfileVC = ViewPTProfileVC() viewPTProfileVC.trainer = …

ios swift uiviewcontroller viewcontroller dismiss
Adding a view to the window hierarchy

I am trying to create a pause screen on my game. I have added a 'PauseScreen' viewController in my storyboard …

swift xcode6 viewcontroller presentviewcontroller