So it ended up that the bug that had kept me on for days, was a section of code that should have evaluated to False evaluating to True. My initial code went something like:
if(~x && ~y) begin
//do stuff
i.e. If x is NOT ONE and y is NOT ONE then do stuff. Stepping through the debugger, I realized even though x was 1 the expression in the if-statement still resulted into TRUE and the subsequent code was executed.
However, when I changed the statement to:
if(x == 0 && y == 0) begin
//do stuff
and also tried:
if(!x && !y) begin
//do stuff
the code within the if-statement was not evaluated which was the expected behaviour. I understand that ~ is a bitwise negation and ! a logical negation, but shouldn't (~x && ~y) and (!x && !y) evaluate to the same thing? I'm afraid the codebase is too large, so I can't paste it here, but this was the only alteration I made to make the code to work as I intended. Thanks.
In response, to one of the comments below, I have created a test-case to test this behaviour:
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_negation();
integer x, y;
initial begin
x = 1; y = 0;
if(~x && ~y) begin
$display("%s", "First case executed");
if(!x && !y) begin
$display("%s", "Second case executed");
if(x == 0 && y == 0) begin
$display("%s", "Third case executed");
end endmodule
And strangely enough, "First case executed" is printed to confirm the original behaviour I observed.
I see. The variable "x" in the above code was a Verilog integer (integer x;
). However, an integer variable is represented by Verilog as a 32-bit integer number. So even though x was "1" as I had observed, ~x will not result in "0" but in "11111111111111111111111111111110"! And so it's no surprise that the First Case was executed. My fault. Thanks for all the answers.