Top "Vectorization" questions

Vectorization refers to a programming paradigm where functions operate on whole arrays in one go.

Is the "*apply" family really not vectorized?

So we are used to say to every R new user that "apply isn't vectorized, check out the Patrick Burns …

r performance loops vectorization apply
Diferences between pragmas simd and ivdep vector always?

I am currently trying to vectorize a program and i have observed an odd behaviour Seems that a for loop …

c++ vectorization pragma icc
Raster to vector conversion library

Is there any library for converting a raster image to a vector one limiting the number of sampled colours to …

image algorithm colors vectorization color-palette
How to sum __m256 horizontally?

I would like to horizontally sum the components of a __m256 vector using AVX instructions. In SSE I could use _…

sse vectorization intrinsics avx
Convert a 2d matrix to a 3d one hot matrix numpy

I have np matrix and I want to convert it to a 3d array with one hot encoding of the …

python numpy vectorization one-hot-encoding
Why does vectorized code run faster than for loops in MATLAB?

I've read this but I still don't understand why vectorized code is faster. In for loops, I can use parfor …

matlab for-loop parallel-processing vectorization
ggplot2: how to transparently shade alternate days on a plot

What am I doing wrong here please? I'm trying to shade alternate 24-hr daily rectangles with transparent gray. But only …

r ggplot2 vectorization alpha-transparency occlusion
Fastest Implementation of the Natural Exponential Function Using SSE

I'm looking for an approximation of the natural exponential function operating on SSE element. Namely - __m128 exp( __m128 x ). …

c optimization vectorization sse simd
Fastest way to compute absolute value using SSE

I am aware of 3 methods, but as far as I know, only the first 2 are generally used: Mask off the …

x86 vectorization sse simd absolute-value