Vectorization refers to a programming paradigm where functions operate on whole arrays in one go.
I'm currently working on a MATLAB project and I'd like to re-implement the most computational-heavy parts using C++ and Eigen. …
c++ vectorization eigen submatrixI'm looking for a possibility to convert raster images to vector data using OpenCV. There I found a function cv::…
opencv vectorization noise-reduction error-suppressionI want to understand what is a vector in terms of machine learning. I looked into the below 2 links: https://…
vector machine-learning svm vectorizationGiven a self-indexing (not sure if this is the correct term) numpy array, for example: a = np.array([3, 2, 0, 1]) This represents …
python algorithm numpy vectorizationI am following this document clustering tutorial. As an input I give a txt file which can be downloaded here. …
vectorization text-processing tf-idf stop-words stemmingI was implementing a weighting system called TF-IDF on a set of 42000 images, each consisting 784 pixels. This is basically a 42000 …
python performance loops numpy vectorizationHow can I disable auto-vectorization with AVX and FMA instructions? I would still prefer the compiler to employ SSE and …
c++ gcc vectorization avx fmaI need to run a matrix-vector multiplication 240000 times per second. The matrix is 5x5 and is always the same, whereas …
c++ vectorization matrix-multiplication sse simdLets say I have a Python Numpy array a. a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]) I want to create a matrix of sub …
python numpy vectorizationI'd appreciate some help in finding and understanding a pythonic way to optimize the following array manipulations in nested for …
python numpy for-loop optimization vectorization