Top "Var" questions

var is a keyword in a number of programming languages.

Differences between C# "var" and C++ "auto"

I'm learning C++ now because I need to write some low level programs. When I learned about "auto" keyword, it …

c# c++ var auto
Declaring an implicitly typed variable inside conditional scope and using it outside

In the simplified code below, if(city == "New York City") { var MyObject = from x in MyEFTable where x.CostOfLiving == "VERY …

c# foreach var conditional-statements implicit-typing
Why there are two ways of declaring variables in Go, what's the difference and which to use?

According to the Go reference there are two ways of declaring a variable Variable_declarations (in the format of var …

variables go var
Trying To Get The Name Of A Variable as a String VB.NET

I'm trying to return the name of a variable as a string. So if the variable is var1, I want … variables reflection tostring var
Php: what's the difference between $var and &$var?

What is the difference between foreach ($my_array as $my_value) { } And: foreach ($my_array as &$my_value) { } ? May …

php var
Why is this javascript for loop running only once?

function f1() { for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) console.log(i); } function foo() { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) f1(); } foo(); Hi, …

javascript for-loop var
Why let and var bindings behave differently using setTimeout function?

This code logs 6, 6 times: (function timer() { for (var i=0; i<=5; i++) { setTimeout(function clog() {console.log(i)}, i*1000); } })(); But …

javascript var let
javascript global variable with 'var' and without 'var'

Possible Duplicate: Difference between using var and not using var in JavaScript I understand that I should always use 'var' …

javascript global var
How to get photo of place from google places api

I'm beginer to js and api I have an for me big problem.. How to get photo for some places …

javascript google-places-api var geturl
A javascript 'let' global variable is not a property of 'window' unlike a global 'var'

I used to check if a global var has been defined with: if (window['myvar']==null) ... or if (window.myvar==…

javascript var let