Top "Var" questions

var is a keyword in a number of programming languages.

ReferenceError: variable is not defined

I met this issue sometimes but still don't know what causes it. I have this script in the page: $(function(){ …

javascript variables definition var
Initialize value of 'var' in C# to null

I want to assign a variable to an initial value of null, and assign its value in the next if-else …

c# var
VB.NET equivalent to C# var keyword

Is there a VB.NET equivalent to the C# var keyword? I would like to use it to retrieve the …

c# linq keyword var
Syntax: Use variable for css value

Trying to keep a box centered vertically within another box. I know there's css that can do this, but I'd …

jquery css math var
C# - var to List<T> conversion

How to cast/convert a var type to a List type? This code snippet is giving me error: List<…

list c#-3.0 var
javascript- Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier * has already been declared

console.log(a) //output:ƒ a(){} var a = 1; function a(){}; var a = 10; console.log(a) //output:10 ==================== var a = 1; if(true){ function …

javascript scope var hoisting
Changing variable by html button

I'm learning javascript and I decided to create simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game. I want to make it controllable by …

javascript html var
Why does ReSharper want to use 'var' for everything?

I've just started using ReSharper with Visual Studio (after the many recommendations on SO). To try it out I opened …

c# .net visual-studio resharper var
Cannot assign void to an implicitly-typed local variable with var and foreach

I'm trying to list all buttons name from my form to list with code var v = new List<Form1&…

c# foreach lambda var
Difference between Object, Dynamic and Var

I need to know the difference between these three keywords Object , Dynamic and var in C#. I have seen this …

c# object dynamic var