Top "Valgrind" questions

Valgrind is a dynamic analysis tool for Linux, OS X, Android, and Solaris systems.

Valgrind: can possibly lost be treated as definitely lost?

Can I treat the output of a Valgrind memcheck, "possibly lost" as "definitely lost"? Possibly lost, or “dubious”: A pointer …

How to install Valgrind on macOS Catalina (10.15) with Homebrew?

I tried to install Valgrind with command brew install Valgrind and I get a message says: "valgrind: This formula either …

macos homebrew valgrind macos-catalina memory-leak-detector
How does valgrind work?

Can someone provide a quick top level explanation of how Valgrind works? An example: how does it know when memory …

How to get the full call stack from Valgrind?

I run Valgrind with the following parameters: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --leak-resolution=high --num-callers=100 --trace-children=yes In memory leaks log, …

memory-leaks valgrind callstack
Error installing valgrind

i try to install valgrind on my mac but when I execute ./ get this error: running: aclocal ./autogen.…

macos valgrind
How to start an android app with valgrind

I've been searching for the last week trying to find an answer to this question. How do I start an …

android android-ndk valgrind gdbserver
Alternative to valgrind (memcheck) for finding leaks on linux?

I have a linux x86 application that makes use of various third-party shared-object libraries. I suspect these libraries are leaking …

linux memory-leaks valgrind
strdup(): Confused about warnings ('implicit declaration', 'makes pointer...without a cast', memory leak)

When I compile the short piece of code below (in which we define a string and then use strdup to …

c gcc valgrind strdup
Sample example program to get the malloc consolidate error

I want to test the mcheck functionality on my PC first to detect the malloc consolidate error. This way, i …

c malloc valgrind embedded-linux uclibc
Memory/Address Sanitizer vs Valgrind

I want some tool to diagnose user-after-free bugs and uninitialized bugs. I am considering Sanitizer(Memory and/or Address) and …

valgrind address-sanitizer memory-sanitizer