Valgrind is a dynamic analysis tool for Linux, OS X, Android, and Solaris systems.
Installation: bzip2 -d valgrind-3.10.1.tar.bz2 tar -xf valgrind-3.10.1.tar then: ./configure make make install or simplier sudo apt-get install …
c++ c memory-leaks malloc valgrindI used to use valgrind to detect memory leaks for my C/C++ applications on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) …
c++ c osx-mountain-lion valgrind osx-mavericksI have seen some of the post regarding valgrind but not single post helped me in understanding interpretation of valgrind …
debugging memory memory-leaks valgrind kcachegrindI'm trying to use Valgrind on a program that I'm working on, but Valgrind generates a bunch of errors for …
shared-libraries valgrind suppress-warningsI need a dynamic call graph for my app. I run it with callgrind tool (valgrind suite) and got callgrind.…
valgrind graphviz callgrindon my previous post I needed to distribute data of pgm files among 10 computers. With help from Jonathan Dursi and …
segmentation-fault valgrind mpi pgm