Top "Callgrind" questions

Callgrind is a profiling tool that records call history among functions in a program's run as a call-graph.

Windows Callgrind results browser, alternative to KCacheGrind

Is there any tool, other than KCacheGrind, being able to view callgrind results? Preferably for Windows platform?

windows valgrind profiling callgrind
Interpreting callgrind data

I need a dynamic call graph for my app. I run it with callgrind tool (valgrind suite) and got callgrind.…

valgrind graphviz callgrind
Valgrind reporting a segment overflow

When running my program with valgrind / callgrind I get the following message a lot: ==21734== brk segment overflow in thread #1: can't …

c++ overflow valgrind callgrind
Console alternative of kcachegrind?

Kcachegrind rocks and it's of my favorite tools, however from time to time I'm missing the ability to run it …

linux console kcachegrind callgrind
How use callgrind to profiling only a certain period of program execution?

I want to use valgrind to do some profiling, since it does not need re-build the program. (the program I …

profiling valgrind callgrind