Top "Memory-leak-detector" questions

Detecting memory leaks in C programs?

If we would like to check for memory leaks in a C++ program, we can overload the new and delete …

c memory-leak-detector
Perfmon counters to check memory leak

I want to check the memory leakage issue in my service. I have tried following set of perfmon counters. .NET …

performance memory-leaks performancecounter perfmon memory-leak-detector
How to install Valgrind on macOS Mojave(10.14) with Homebrew?

I tried to install Valgrind with brew install Valgrind and got : valgrind: This formula either does not compile or function …

macos homebrew valgrind memory-leak-detector
GCC and -fsanitize=leak

I'm working and on a large C++ project and making it compile with clang would be painful, so I'm stuck …

g++ memory-leak-detector
How to install Valgrind on macOS Catalina (10.15) with Homebrew?

I tried to install Valgrind with command brew install Valgrind and I get a message says: "valgrind: This formula either …

macos homebrew valgrind macos-catalina memory-leak-detector
Visual C++ - Memory Leak Detection

Any suggestions? This SO post talks about Visual Leak Detector, but I'm looking for other tools. Also, please don't recommend …

c++ visual-c++ memory-leaks memory-leak-detector visual-leak-detector
use instruments - leaks with a device

I'm starting to use Instruments-Leaks with an iPhone 3G. When I try to run the app with Instruments on the …

ios memory-leaks instruments memory-leak-detector
File descriptor leak example?

Is there any good example do demonstrate file descriptor leak in Android? I read somewhere that it occurs if we …

java android memory-leaks file-descriptor memory-leak-detector
Attach valgrind with daemon and collect logs for each daemon call

I have a client server system, completely written in c++. server runs as /etc/init.d/serverd with start/stop …

c++ linux valgrind daemon memory-leak-detector
Memory leak using pandas dataframe

I am using pandas.DataFrame in a multi-threaded code (actually a custom subclass of DataFrame called Sound). I have noticed …

python pandas memory-leaks memory-leak-detector objgraph