Top "Perfmon" questions

A tool used to launch Performance Monitor for Microsoft Windows.

Perfmon counters to check memory leak

I want to check the memory leakage issue in my service. I have tried following set of perfmon counters. .NET …

performance memory-leaks performancecounter perfmon memory-leak-detector
Creating a PerfMon counter to record an average per call (C#)

How can I use PerfMon counters to record the average execution time of a method in C#? So far I've …

c# perfmon
How to open .coverage file

I have created a .coverage file using Vsperfmon.exe I am currently using VS 2012 professional for web licensed edition. The .…

visual-studio-2010 perfmon
Using Performance Monitor to monitor pooled connections

I'm investigating this error from a MVC3 application that is failing under load: "The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining …

sql-server iis connection-pooling perfmon
How to measure memory usage for a Live ASP.NET MVC web application?

So right off the bat, not sure if this question is better suited for another StackExchange site. I've got an … performance webserver perfmon
What are the best perfmon counters for an application?

What are the best performance monitors one can set to monitor an application? I don't have direct access … perfmon
Issues remoting to perfmon

Hey all, I'm having trouble with PerfMon on one system out of fifteen in a development environment. Accessing it from …

performance statistics perfmon
Concatenating PowerShell variables

$timeout = new-timespan -Minutes 1 $sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() $path = "d:\powershell\test.csv" "Processor Load, Available Memory(MB), Max Memory(Bytes)" &…

powershell perfmon
Why can't perfmon see instances of my custom performance counter?

I'm creating some custom performance counters for an application. I wrote a simple C# tool to create the categories and …

.net perfmon
Track a program's memory & CPU usage with perfmon

I'm trying to track a process on system running Windows Vista, I tried creating a user Data Collection Set in …

memory windows-vista process perfmon