Top "User-experience" questions

The user experience (UX) is the experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-computer interaction and product ownership, but also a person’s perceptions of the practical aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency of the system.

How to prevent firing single click event when double clicked in extjs

I have a tree panel and for each node i have single click and double click events. but when i …

extjs event-handling extjs4.1 user-experience double-click
How can you implement a jQuery feature without having IE prompt users with an Active X warning?

Essentially, I want to implement a jQuery feature on a site that I'm building, but I don't want Internet Explorer …

jquery activex slideshow user-experience
What is the iOS equivalent of the android three dot menu icon?

Android uses three dots (pictured) to show that there are more menu items available. What is the iOS equivalent of …

ios user-interface user-experience
OpenLayers, Layers: Tiled vs. single tile

Each time we add a new layer to our OpenLayers based website (data provided primarily by a GeoServer server), we …

openlayers user-experience tiling
Evaluate whether a HEX value is dark or light

The user of the ASP.NET web app I'm building can select colors for use on some of the elements (… javascript css user-experience
Issue with click-drag-select in text input field also scrolls parent element, webkit bug or feature?

There's a weird behavior that I've been experiencing with only the webkit browsers since last year, and it is driving …

html css google-chrome webkit user-experience
Human-readable date formats

You may have noticed that certain web applications (for example, certain parts of GMail) display dates in a more human-readable …

c# .net date user-experience timespan
JQuery JEditable - How to Add A Visible Edit Me Button?

i love this plugin but the reality is that most people won't realize at first that they can click on …

javascript jquery jeditable user-experience
PHP: Returning a user to their original page after login

Are there any 'best practices' concerning how one should return a user to their original page after logging in to …

php redirect login user-experience http-referer