Top "Jeditable" questions

Jeditable is a jQuery plugin that allows users to edit page contents "in place".

Jeditable with jQuery UI Datepicker

I need to have a click to edit element on a page, that will in turn invoke an instance of …

jquery forms calendar datepicker jeditable
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'plugin' of undefined

I'm using Jeditable plugin of Mika Tuupola with autogrowing. I've followed his indications but the console shows this error: I'm …

jquery jeditable autogrow
Validate Jeditable field

I'm using Jeditable (posting to CakePHP) for input on my page. I want users to only fill in numbers in …

jquery cakephp jquery-validate jeditable
jQuery dataTables makeEditable() is not a function

I'm new to Datatables and I'm trying to make the table editable, but I keep getting this error: TypeError: $(...).dataTable(...).…

jquery jquery-datatables jeditable
Parse an HTML string to get contents of elements with Javascript

I have the following string that contains several elements: '<span class="fn" id="fn1">Matthew</span&…

javascript jquery string parsing jeditable
Working example of jeditable and autocomplete working together

I see a lot of google posts on this but all seems to be talking about how this is in …

javascript jquery autocomplete jeditable
how to get out of jquery (jeditable) mess

I am not very good at jQuery but decided to use jEditable plugin for my site because I thought it …

jquery jeditable
How to access old and new values before submitting with jeditable

I have a field being updated by jeditable. I want to output a warning message before submitting updates if the …

jeditable onsubmit
JEditable, how to handle a JSON response?

Right now, the server response I'm working with sends back a JSON response like this: {"status":1} After saving, jeditable places …

javascript jquery jeditable