A function provided by the user of a program or an environment most often for spreadsheet type applications or database applications.
So I just spent 5 hours troubleshooting a problem which turned out to be due not only to the old unreliable …
sql-server user-defined-functions isnumericI am using a custom function in pyspark to check a condition for each row in a spark dataframe and …
apache-spark pyspark user-defined-functions spark-dataframe isnullAnyone have a good decisioning tree for deciding when to use a view and when to use a table-valued function …
sql-server tsql view user-defined-functionsI have a Spark dataframe with the following structure. The bodyText_token has the tokens (processed/set of words). And …
python apache-spark pyspark apache-spark-sql user-defined-functionsOkay so I'm writing a SQL Server 2008 Stored Procedure (maintenance script). In doing so, being a good boy I've done …
sql-server tsql stored-procedures user-defined-functionsI'm trying to create a user defined function in Oracle that will return a DATE when given a text argument …
oracle function plsql user-defined-functions pls-00103XX PROCEDURE [dbo].[XXX] @X dbo.IntType readonly AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; // how can I foreach(@X) here and …
sql-server stored-procedures azure-sql-database user-defined-functions user-defined-typesAssume the assembly dll: using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System; using System.…
sql-server sql-server-2008-r2 user-defined-functions sqlclrI'm trying to execute an TVF with Entity Framework and for some reason it just doesn't work. Maybe anyone out …
c# linq entity-framework ef-code-first user-defined-functionsWhen working with Spark's DataFrames, User Defined Functions (UDFs) are required for mapping data in columns. UDFs require that argument …
scala apache-spark dataframe apache-spark-sql user-defined-functions