A function provided by the user of a program or an environment most often for spreadsheet type applications or database applications.
I have following table in hive user-id, user-name, user-address,clicks,impressions,page-id,page-name I need to find out top 5 users[…
user-defined-functions hive rankComing from R, I am used to easily doing operations on columns. Is there any easy way to take this …
scala apache-spark dataframe apache-spark-sql user-defined-functionsGiven Table 1 with one column "x" of type String. I want to create Table 2 with a column "y" that is …
scala apache-spark apache-spark-sql user-defined-functions nullableI am developing an application in android and I need to create an udf in sqlite. Is it possible to …
android sqlite user-defined-functionsI have this python code that runs locally in a pandas dataframe: df_result = pd.DataFrame(df .groupby('A') .apply(…
python apache-spark pyspark apache-spark-sql user-defined-functionsI must have some permissions wrong, but I can't figure out how. The following code is simplified but I can't …
sql-server stored-procedures user-defined-functionsI know how to write a UDF in Spark SQL: def belowThreshold(power: Int): Boolean = { return power < -40 } sqlContext.…
scala apache-spark apache-spark-sql aggregate-functions user-defined-functionsI created a scalar function in the DB SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER FUNCTION […
.net sql user-defined-functions oledbcommandI got confused with a seemingly simple concept. Mysql defines deterministic function as a function that always produces the same …
mysql user-defined-functions deterministicI would like to map my scalar function to my .edmx but it fails. I right click on my entity …
c# entity-framework-4 user-defined-functions