The system or program exhibits the same behavior in different runs.
Imagine two positive integers A and B. I want to combine these two into a single integer C. There can …
algorithm mapping integer deterministic mathI got confused with a seemingly simple concept. Mysql defines deterministic function as a function that always produces the same …
mysql user-defined-functions deterministicGood evening I was wondering if someone could please provide me with a simple pseudocode example of a deterministic algorithm... …
algorithm deterministicI'm really new to this stuff so I apologize for the noobishness here. construct a Deterministic Finite Automaton DFA recognizing …
regular-language automata deterministicAccording to MSDN SQL BOL (Books Online) page on Deterministic and Nondeterministic Functions, non-deterministic functions can be used "in a …
sql sql-server user-defined-functions deterministic non-deterministicI've done some searching and I think the following code is guaranteed to produce output: B.X = 7 B.X = 0 A.…
c# static deterministicGiven: I have no idea what the accepted language is. From looking at it you can get several end results: 1.) …
grammar context-free-grammar finite-automata deterministicI have been reading about Quicksort and found that sometimes it' s referred to as "Deterministic Quicksort". Is this an …
algorithm sorting quicksort deterministicI am reading the Java Hashmap documentation but I don't understand this sentence. Note that the iteration order for HashMap …
java deterministicI'm using QueryPerformanceCounter to do some timing in my application. However, after running it for a few days the application …
c++ winapi timing deterministic