Top "Use-effect" questions

Questions related to the use of 'useEffect', which is a reactjs hook.

UseEffect being called multiple times

I thought useeffect is called once only after render, but its being executed multiple times and not in the order …

javascript reactjs fetch fetch-api use-effect
useEffect not being called and not updating state when api is fetched

I'm fetching data from a weather api using useEffect hook and declaring the dependency correctly as well. My state is …

reactjs react-hooks use-effect
Where should I declare functions that are called inside a useEffect() hook?

So I have the following situation when using a useEffect that calls a functions that depends on state. Example: // INSIDE …

javascript reactjs react-hooks use-effect
variable in useState not updating in useEffect callback

I'm having an issue while using useState and useEffect hooks import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; const counter = ({ count, speed }) => { …

javascript reactjs react-hooks use-effect
How can I access current redux state from useEffect?

I have a list of objects ("Albums" in my case) fetched from the database. I need to edit these objects. …

reactjs react-redux react-hooks use-effect
React - useEffect hook - componentDidMount to useEffect

I would like to convert this to an useEffect hook: CODE componentDidMount () { this.messagesRef.on('child_added', snapshot => { const …

reactjs use-effect
Multiple times render in react functional component with hooks

Actually I am not getting the right point of this problem. So seeking help. I have this state full functional …

reactjs react-hooks use-effect
TypeError: func.apply is not a function

I'm trying to use useEffect function like that: const [data, setData] = useState({ courses: [] }); useEffect(async () => { const result = await axios.…

javascript reactjs axios use-effect
In useEffect, what's the difference between providing no dependency array and an empty one?

I gather that the useEffect Hook is run after every render, if provided with an empty dependency array: useEffect(() => { …

reactjs react-hooks use-effect
React useEffect - passing a function in the dependency array

Why is an infinite loop created when I pass a function expression into the useEffect dependency array? The function expression …

reactjs react-hooks use-effect usecallback