Top "Use-effect" questions

Questions related to the use of 'useEffect', which is a reactjs hook.

How to stop memory leak in useEffect hook react

I am using Effect hook to fetch the datas from server and these data are passed to the react table …

reactjs react-table use-effect
Using document.querySelector in React? Should I use refs instead? How?

I am building a carousel right now, in React. To scroll to the individual slides I am using document.querySelector …

javascript reactjs ref use-effect js-scrollintoview
How to rerender component in useEffect Hook

Ok so: useEffect(() => { }, [props.lang]); What should I do inside useEffect to rerender component every time with props.lang …

reactjs redux use-effect
Why is the cleanup function from `useEffect` called on every render?

I've been learning React and I read that the function returned from useEffect is meant to do cleanup and React …

javascript reactjs react-hooks use-effect
What does it mean to 'move this variable directly inside useEffect' in this error message?

I am attempting to pass an object through props to a child component. The value is set in the useEffect …

reactjs react-hooks use-effect
How to setInterval for every 5 second render with React hook useEffect in React Native app?

I have React Native app and I get data from API by fetch. I created custom hook that get data …

javascript react-native setinterval react-hooks use-effect
Getting error after i put Async function in useEffect

In the useEffect function, If i just mention the getResults function variable, the app doesn't crash, but when i call …

reactjs fetch use-effect
useEffect dependency array and ESLint exhaustive-deps rule

I have a component that looks like this: const MyComponent = props => { const { checked, onChange, id } = props; const [isChecked, setChecked] = …

reactjs react-hooks use-effect
useEffect not called in React Native when back to screen

How are you. This is scenario of this issue. Let's say there are 2 screens to make it simple. enter A …

reactjs react-native use-effect