Top "Upgrade" questions

This tag refers to the process of replacing a particular system with a newer version of the same system

How to get WiX major upgrade working?

I am struggling to enable the major upgrade functionality in WiX. I want every new version of the installer to …

wix windows-installer upgrade
How to convert a non-core csproj to VS2017 format

I have two projects in VS2015 One .NET Core (project.json, xproj) One regular .NET csproj When I open project 1 …

visual-studio visual-studio-2017 migration upgrade csproj
After upgrading to vue 3 : "Cannot find module '@vue/compiler-sfc/package.json' "

After upgrading to vue 3 : yarn add vue@next I get this error: "Cannot find module '@vue/compiler-sfc/package.json" …

upgrade vuejs3
How to connect to MSSQL 2000 from PHP 5.3 and up

I have a legacy business application built on MS SQL Server 2000. I have some webbased utilities that access this database …

sql-server-2000 upgrade compatibility php-5.3 sqlsrv
Installshield not replacing files during minor upgrade

I have an installshield installer for my application. Now I create a minor upgrade for the application and some of …

windows-installer upgrade installshield
Forcing an upgrade of a file that is modified during its initial installation

I'm working on the upgrade feature for my WiX-based installer. As part of the instalation, we are installing a web.…

wix windows-installer installation upgrade
upgrade from symfony 2.0 to 2.3

I already have running project which is in Symfony 2.0.10. But now I need to upgrade it to Symfony 2.3.I know …

symfony upgrade symfony-2.3
Upgrade Xcode 8.3.1 to Xcode 9

I am not having paid Apple Developer Account and using Xcode 8.3.1, Xcode 9 is released recently and i want to upgrade …

xcode upgrade apple-developer
Can't upgrade matplotlib in Ubuntu 12.04 with Canopy installed

I'm trying to upgrade matplotlib in Ubuntu 12.04. When I run the command: sudo pip install --upgrade matplotlib I get this …

python matplotlib upgrade enthought canopy
Rails 3 deprecated methods and APIs

Where can one find a list of deprecated methods, APIs, etc, in order to upgrade from Rails 2.x to Rails 3?

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 upgrade deprecated