Use this tag for questions specific to version 3 of Vue.
While Vue Composition API RFC Reference site has many advanced use scenarios with the watch module, there is no examples …
javascript typescript vue.js vuejs3 vue-composition-apiI try using Vue 3, but I look can't using Vue.use(exampleplugin) again. I using command vue add bootstrap-vue after …
javascript vue.js vuejs3I am getting the following error while creating slides in Vue.js: [Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of scheduler …
javascript vue.js vuejs3 ion-slidesI initialized a new, empty Vue application using Vue version 3. I then tried to add the plugin Vuetify with the …
vue.js vuetify.js vuejs3I am trying to integrate vuejs 3 to an existing project which uses webpack. I read about vue-loader, so I am …
javascript vue.js webpack vuejs3 vue-loaderIs there a way to install vue 3.0 to Laravel 8? When I run npm install vue@next It started installing Vue 3.0, …
laravel vue.js vue-component vuejs3 laravel-mix-vue3Anybody know how to do add a global variable in Vue 3 ? in Vue 2 we use this in the main.js …
javascript vue.js vuejs2 vue-component vuejs3I'm developing a new app in vue 3 with typescript. I have the Vue Devtools installed in Chrome, but it refuses …
typescript devtools vuejs3In Vue 2, we filter items conveniently just using | and filters. But it isn't in Vue 3. As we know,we can …
javascript vue.js vuejs2 vuejs3 vue-filterHow to create Event Bus in Vue 3? In Vue 2, it was: export const bus = new Vue(); bus.$on(...) bus.$emit(...) …
javascript vue.js vue-component vuejs3 vue-composition-api