The cookie_verifier_secret has been deprecated and now instead it is assigned
through Rails.application.config.cookie_secret and moved into its own file:
filter_parameter_logging is deprecated in favor of
config.filter_parameters << :password.
named_scope in an Active Record class is deprecated and has been renamed to just scope.
save(false) is deprecated, in favor of save(:validate => false).
model.errors.on is deprecated in favor of model.errors[]
ActiveRecord::Base.colorize_logging and config.active_record.colorize_logging are deprecated in favor of Rails::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging or config.colorize_logging
:charset, :content_type, :mime_version, :implicit_parts_order are all deprecated in favor of ActionMailer.default :key => value style declarations.
Mailer dynamic create_method_name and deliver_method_name are deprecated, just call method_name which now returns a Mail::Message object.
ActionMailer.deliver(message) is deprecated, just call message.deliver.
template_root is deprecated, pass options to a render call inside a proc from the format.mime_type method inside the mail generation block
The body method to define instance variables is deprecated (body {:ivar => value}), just declare instance variables in the method directly and they will be available in the view.
Mailers being in app/models is deprecated, use app/mailers instead.
To add a new pair to Hash I do:
{:a => 1, :b => 2}.merge!({:c => 3}) #=> {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}
Is there a similar way to delete a key from Hash ?
This works:
{:a => 1, :b => 2}.…