Top "Unity5" questions

Unity is a cross-platform game engine by Unity Technologies.

MonoDevelop crashing over High Sierra (OSX 10.13)

I am facing an issue from yesterday after updating system to latest macOS 10.13 beta with unity monoDevelop below is what …

unity3d unity5 monodevelop
Unity android project throws "Your hardware does not support this application sorry" error

I have been investigating for 2 days. I have read a lot of things. To summarize what I read: Non-NEON devices …

android unity3d unity5 fresco
Particles to create star field in unity

I have a issue with a script. I am trying to create a star field randomly in a sphere for …

c# unity5 particle-system
How to disable physics system in unity

I want to develop native android app in unity engine, and does not need to use physics, could it possible …

c# unity3d unity5 monodevelop unityscript
Unity script execution order and Start()

Unity's documentation has this line: By default, the Awake, OnEnable and Update functions of different scripts are called in the …

unity3d unity5 order-of-execution
Unity Create UI control from script

I created a toggle by code but it won´t get displayed. Furthermore, I can´t change the position of …

c# unity3d toggle unity5
Do we have to upload different resolutions icons in unity?

Android requires 5 different resolution of images and ios requires 3 different resolution of images during development. Does unity requires different resolutions …

unity3d unity5 unity3d-gui
New Unity In-App Purchase integration (Android)

Im trying to integrating new Unity inapp serivice and got the next problem: I created project on google play (now …

android unity3d service unity5 in-app