Top "Unique-constraint" questions

Unique-constraint is an index that sets one or multiple fields to be unique in a data entity

Adding composite unique constraint in Liquibase

I'm creating a link table which has 3 columns; id, product_id, tournament_id. Adding a uniqueConstraint to the "id" column …

liquibase unique-constraint
Is there a way to enforce unique constraint on a property (field) other than the primary key in dynamodb

In dynamodb, if you want to enforce uniqueness in a field other than the primary key (like were you have …

unique-constraint amazon-dynamodb
Oracle 'INSERT ALL' ignore duplicates

I have a database table with a unique constraint on it (unique (DADSNBR, DAROLEID) pair). I am going to be …

oracle insert duplicates unique-constraint
Exception: Could not synchronize database state with session

I have an web application developed on spring and hibernate 3.0 and deployed on apache tomcat 6. I am getting below error …

hibernate session sequence unique-constraint ora-00001
Find or insert based on unique key with Hibernate

I'm trying to write a method that will return a Hibernate object based on a unique but non-primary key. If …

java hibernate unique-constraint upsert unique-key
Grails domain class: unique constraint for multiple columns

Suppose a simple Grails domain class: class Account { String countryId; String userName; String password; static constraints = { ...???... } } It is required that …

grails orm unique-constraint grails-domain-class grails-validation
Unique Constraint vs Unique Index

I’m interested in learning which technique developers prefer to use to enforce uniqueness in SQL Server: UNIQUE CONSTRAINT or …

sql-server database-design unique-constraint unique-index
Hibernate - how to catch "integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation"

In my table I have a unique constraint. In hibernate, when I add an item that violates that constraint, I …

hibernate exception rollback unique-constraint hibernateexception
SQL can I have a "conditionally unique" constraint on a table?

I've had this come up a couple times in my career, and none of my local peers seems to be …

sql sql-server sql-server-2005 unique-constraint check-constraints
Unique (multiple columns) and null in one column

I have simple categories table. Category can have parent category (par_cat column) or null if it is main category …

mysql sql database unique-constraint