Top "Unique-constraint" questions

Unique-constraint is an index that sets one or multiple fields to be unique in a data entity

SQL Unique constraint across multiple tables

I am trying to create a unique constraint across multiple tables. I have found similar questions answered here but they …

sql-server database-design unique-constraint
How do you validate uniqueness of a pair of ids in Ruby on Rails?

Suppose the following DB migration in Ruby: create_table :question_votes do |t| t.integer :user_id t.integer :question_…

ruby-on-rails validation model unique-constraint
Alter a nonunique index to a unique index

I have a few non-unique constraints that I want to alter into unique constraints ( business rules have changed since the …

oracle oracle10g constraints unique-constraint
How to persist @ManyToMany relation - duplicate entry or detached entity

I want to persist my entity with ManyToMany relation. But i have some problem during persisting process. My entities : @Entity @…

java jpa many-to-many unique-constraint duplicates
How to get the name of a unique constraint in postgresql?

I need to drop a unique constraint from a postgresql table, but I didn't give it a name in the …

sql postgresql constraints unique-constraint
MySQL: ALTER IGNORE TABLE gives "Integrity constraint violation"

I'm trying to remove duplicates from a MySQL table using ALTER IGNORE TABLE + an UNIQUE KEY. The MySQL documentation says: …

mysql unique-constraint
How to do multiple column UniqueConstraint in hbm?

Working on some legacy hibernate code. How do I do the following with hbm.xml(hibernate mapping file) instead of …

hibernate persistence constraints unique-constraint hibernate-mapping
mysql combined unique keys

Is there way in MySQL to have two unique keys and connect them somehow? for example if i have the …

mysql unique-constraint
Django - save() update on duplicate key

I have little application which allows a user to rate a video. The user can rate only once. So I …

django save unique-constraint insert-update
Unique index or unique key?

What is the diffrence between a unique index and a unique key?

sql-server database-design unique-constraint unique-index