Top "Unique-constraint" questions

Unique-constraint is an index that sets one or multiple fields to be unique in a data entity

SQLite table constraint - unique on multiple columns

I can find syntax "charts" on this on the SQLite website, but no examples and my code is crashing. I …

sqlite unique-constraint compound-key
UNIQUE constraint failed: sqlite database : android

I am trying to insert values in table. But there is only one value inserted. I am getting an error …

java android database sqlite unique-constraint
How to delete duplicate entries?

I have to add a unique constraint to an existing table. This is fine except that the table has millions …

sql postgresql duplicate-removal unique-constraint sql-delete
Unique constraint on multiple columns

I am using an oracle table and have created a unique constraint over four columns. Can these columns within the …

oracle unique-constraint
How to make "No Duplicates" column in SQL Server 2008?

I have a simple table in my SQL Server database. This table contains two columns: ID int, Name nvarchar(50). The …

sql-server unique unique-constraint
SQL: How to find duplicates based on two fields?

I have rows in an Oracle database table which should be unique for a combination of two fields but the …

sql oracle unique unique-constraint ora-00918
How to give a unique constraint to a combination of columns in Oracle?

I have a Table with 4 Columns Each Column will be A,B,C,D Column A is the Primary key. …

sql oracle constraints unique-constraint composite-key
Naming convention for unique constraint

Naming conventions are important, and primary key and foreign key have commonly used and obvious conventions (PK_Table and FK_…

sql sql-server naming-conventions unique-constraint
Unique Key Violation in SQL Server - Is it safe to assume Error 2627?

I need to catch violation of UNIQUE constraints in a special way by a C# application I am developing. Is …

sql-server-2005 unique-constraint
Unique Constraint in Entity Framework Code First

Question Is it possible to define a unique constraint on a property using either the fluent syntax or an attribute? …

entity-framework code-first unique-constraint