Top "Uiwebview" questions

A class used to display web content from within an iOS application.

UIWebview won't zoom even after setting scalesPageToFit to YES

I have a UIWebview that is loaded as a subview when a user selects a tab on a UISegmentedControl. For …

iphone uiwebview zooming subview
iOS 8 SDK: modal UIWebView and camera/image picker

I have found that, when compiling for iOS 8 (and running in iOS 8), a UIWebView cannot show the camera/image picker …

ios objective-c ios8 uiwebview uiimagepickercontroller
Using custom fonts in WKWebView

I'm using custom fonts in my app. They are copied to bundle and hardcoded to appName-info.plist. This fonts works …

ios css fonts uiwebview wkwebview
iPhone dev: load a file from resource folder

I'm writing an iPhone app with a UIWebView which should display various html files I have in the app resource …

iphone resources uiwebview directory relative-path
Javascript in UIWebView callback to C/Objective-C

Is there a way to get a callback to objective-c when a certain event has been detected in a UIWebView? …

javascript objective-c ios cocoa-touch uiwebview
'openURL' was deprecated in iOS 10.0: Please use openURL:options:completionHandler: instead in Swift 3

I have working open webLink url codes in Swift3 but when I use it gives me this warning; 'openURL' was …

ios uiwebview swift3
How to detect when a UIWebView has completely finished loading?

I am trying to build a filter for a UIWebView and I am struggiling to detect when the UIWebView has …

ios objective-c uiwebview uiwebviewdelegate
Back Button on UIWebView

I'm trying to figure out how to create a back button that allows the user to go back one page. …

ios objective-c uiwebview back
Cannot view Quicktime movies over HTTPS in Safari or UIWebView

I am trying to get my iPhone application to work with HTTPS in addition to HTTP, but using UIWebView or …

iphone safari https uiwebview mpmovieplayercontroller
"Plugin handled load" dialog appears when playing a video within a web page within UIWebView

If I click on a link to a video within a web page being displayed by UIWebView then the video …

iphone ios uiwebview quicktime typo3