A class used to display web content from within an iOS application.
Good day, My app is a music playing app. I control the <audio>-Tag with Javascript. So far …
ios uiwebview ios6 avfoundation html5-audioI have a view containing a UIWebView which is loading a google map (so lots of javascript etc). The problem …
iphone cocoa-touch uiwebviewI'm trying to display an Activity Indicator View in my app to users while a url is being loaded into …
swift uiwebview progress uiactivityindicatorviewI have a client who has video content for the web in Flash format. My task is to help them …
iphone uiwebview youtube mpmovieplayercontroller streaming-videoI am using the method tableView:indexPathForCell to implement a custom delegate that can dynamically resize a UITableViewCell based on …
iphone uitableview uiwebview protocolsWith iOS 11 Apple has added the ability set add WKWebViews outlets on your nibs and storyboards. It seems to work …
ios uiwebview interface-builder wkwebviewI need to remove the hyperlinks from the URL shown in UIWebView and I have looked at this question: Removing …
ios objective-c uiwebview uiwebviewdelegate-(void)createPDFfromUIView:(UIView*)aView saveToDocumentsWithFileName:(NSString*)aFilename { // Creates a mutable data object for updating with binary data, like a …
ios pdf uiwebview core-graphics crop