Top "Uiwebview" questions

A class used to display web content from within an iOS application.

UIWebView: HTML5 audio pauses in iOS 6 when app enters background

Good day, My app is a music playing app. I control the <audio>-Tag with Javascript. So far …

ios uiwebview ios6 avfoundation html5-audio
How to safely shut down a loading UIWebView in viewWillDisappear?

I have a view containing a UIWebView which is loading a google map (so lots of javascript etc). The problem …

iphone cocoa-touch uiwebview
Using UIActivityIndicatorView with UIWebView in Swift

I'm trying to display an Activity Indicator View in my app to users while a url is being loaded into …

swift uiwebview progress uiactivityindicatorview
tableView:indexPathForCell returns nil

I am using the method tableView:indexPathForCell to implement a custom delegate that can dynamically resize a UITableViewCell based on …

iphone uitableview uiwebview protocols
WKWebView and NSURLProtocol not working

When using the old UIWebView you could catch the requests by implementing a custom NSURLProtocol. I us this to handle …

ios uiwebview swift ios8 wkwebview
differences between uiwebview and mobile safari

Have looked far and wide for info and have found no definitive list. Please add your observations. I'm sure it …

iphone mobile safari uiwebview
Set WKWebViewConfiguration on WKWebView from Nib or Storyboard

With iOS 11 Apple has added the ability set add WKWebViews outlets on your nibs and storyboards. It seems to work …

ios uiwebview interface-builder wkwebview
How to use shouldStartLoadWithRequest method of UIWebView Delegate

I need to remove the hyperlinks from the URL shown in UIWebView and I have looked at this question: Removing …

ios objective-c uiwebview uiwebviewdelegate
Creating PDF file from UIWebView

-(void)createPDFfromUIView:(UIView*)aView saveToDocumentsWithFileName:(NSString*)aFilename { // Creates a mutable data object for updating with binary data, like a …

ios pdf uiwebview core-graphics crop