Top "Uiview" questions

UIView is a class in the UIKit framework of iOS defines a rectangular area on the screen and the interfaces for managing the content in that area.

How to list out all the subviews in a uiviewcontroller in iOS?

I want to list out all the subviews in a UIViewController. I tried self.view.subviews, but not all of …

ios uiview subview uiview-hierarchy
Dashed line border around UIView

How do I add dashed line border around UIView. Something Like this

ios objective-c iphone uiview
How to rotate image in Swift?

I am unable to rotate the image by 90 degrees in swift. I have written below code but there is an …

ios swift animation uiview uiviewanimation
touchesBegan, touchesEnded, touchesMoved for moving UIView

I need to drag my UIView object. I use this code, but it does not work float oldX, oldY; BOOL …

ios objective-c xcode uiview touchesbegan
How to create a UIView bounce animation?

I have the following CATransition for a UIView called finalScoreView, which makes it enter the screen from the top: CATransition *…

ios iphone animation uiview uikit
Check if a subview is in a view

I'm making an app where I add a subview to a view using addSubview: on an IBAction. In the same …

ios cocoa-touch uiview uikit
Get position of UIView in respect to its superview's superview

I have a UIView, in which I have arranged UIButtons. I want to find the positions of those UIButtons. I …

iphone ios uiview uibutton cgrect
Loading an "overlay" when running long tasks in iOS

What is example for loading overlay in Swift IOS application when do a long tasks. Example for loading data from …

ios swift uiview overlay
How can I loop through all subviews of a UIView, and their subviews and their subviews

How can I loop through all subviews of a UIView, and their subviews and their subviews?

iphone objective-c loops uiview subview
When can I activate/deactivate layout constraints?

I've set up multiple sets of constraints in IB, and I'd like to programmatically toggle between them depending on some …

ios swift uiview autolayout nslayoutconstraint