Top "Uiview" questions

UIView is a class in the UIKit framework of iOS defines a rectangular area on the screen and the interfaces for managing the content in that area.

How to find topmost view controller on iOS

I've run into a couple of cases now where it would be convenient to be able to find the "topmost" …

ios objective-c uiview uiviewcontroller uikit
Cocoa: What's the difference between the frame and the bounds?

UIView and its subclasses all have the properties frame and bounds. What's the difference?

cocoa cocoa-touch uiview
Load a UIView from nib in Swift

Here is my Objective-C code which I'm using to load a nib for my customised UIView: -(id)init{ NSArray *…

swift uiview xib
How do I change UIView Size?

I have trouble with modifying my UIView height at launch. I have to UIView and I want one to be …

uiview swift height xcode6
Swift UIView background color opacity

I have a UIView with a UILabel in it. I want the UIView to have white background color, but with …

ios swift uiview alpha
UIView Infinite 360 degree rotation animation?

I'm trying to rotate a UIImageView 360 degrees, and have looked at several tutorials online. I could get none of them …

ios objective-c animation uiview core-animation
How to load a xib file in a UIView

I have been searching everywhere and nothing so far has worked for me. Basically I want to have a .xib …

ios objective-c uiview xib
How to use UIVisualEffectView to Blur Image?

Could someone give a small example of applying the blur to an image? I've been trying to figure out the …

ios objective-c uiview uikit uivisualeffectview
UIView touch event in controller

How can I add UIView touchbegin action or touchend action programmatically as Xcode is not providing from Main.storyboard?

ios swift uiview uiviewcontroller
Is it possible to set UIView border properties from interface builder?

Is it possible to control UIView border properties (color, thickness, etc...) directly from interface builder or I can only do …

ios uiview interface-builder border