Top "Uiview" questions

UIView is a class in the UIKit framework of iOS defines a rectangular area on the screen and the interfaces for managing the content in that area.

Understand convertRect:toView:, convertRect:FromView:, convertPoint:toView: and convertPoint:fromView: methods

I'm trying to understand the functionalities of these methods. Could you provide me a simple usecase to understand theirs semantics? …

ios layout uiview
resize superview after subviews change dynamically using autolayout

I cant for the love of god the the hang of this resizing superview. I have a UIView *superview with 4 …

ios objective-c uiview autolayout autoresize
iOS - forward all touches through a view

I have a view overlayed on top of many other views. I am only using the overaly to detect some …

events uiview touch
How do I change the color of the text in a UIPickerView under iOS 7?

I'm aware of the pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView method, but when using the view it passes in reusingView: how do …

ios objective-c uiview ios7 uipickerview
Handling an empty UITableView. Print a friendly message

I have a UITableView that in some cases it is legal to be empty. So instead of showing the background …

iphone ios uitableview uiview
Autolayout - intrinsic size of UIButton does not include title insets

If I have a UIButton arranged using autolayout, its size adjusts nicely to fit its content. If I set an …

ios cocoa-touch uiview uibutton autolayout
Remove Auto-Layout Constraints for Specific Object

I have a UIImageView embedded in a UIView. My entire app uses AutoLayout, but I want to remove constraints for …

iphone uiview uiimageview autolayout
Passing through touches to UIViews underneath

I have a UIView with 4 buttons on it and another UIView on top of the buttons view. The top most …

iphone ios uiview uiimageview uitapgesturerecognizer
Drawing UIBezierPath on code generated UIView

I have a UIView added in code at run time. I want to draw a UIBezierPath in it, but does …

ios iphone objective-c uiview uibezierpath
Changing my CALayer's anchorPoint moves the view

I want to alter the anchorPoint, but keep the view in the same place. I've tried NSLog-ing self.layer.position …

iphone cocoa cocoa-touch uiview