Top "Uitextfield" questions

A UITextField object is a control that displays editable text and sends an action message to a target object when the user presses the return button.

How to detect UIKeyboard "backspace" button touch on UITextField?

How can i detect backspace button pressed on UIKeyboard? thanks EDIT: Is there any keyboard delegate that returns key pressed …

iphone objective-c uitextfield uikeyboard
Disable blinking cursor in UITextField?

I've followed the instructions here and succesfully set up a UITextField that gets updated with a UIDatePicker. However the cursor …

cursor uitextfield uidatepicker
PlaceHolder animates when start typing in TextField in iOS

How to set this type of animation in UITextField? Nowadays, Many apps are using this.

ios objective-c swift uitextfield placeholder
iPhone Force Textbox Input to Upper Case

How do I force characters input into a textbox on the iPhone to upper case?

iphone cocoa-touch uitextfield uppercase
How to disable keyboard appearing when hitting on a text field , iOS?

I have a text field , and i need when the user presses it to show a custom picker. The picker …

ios keyboard uitextfield dismiss
How to hide Toolbar in IQKeyboardManager iOS Swift 3

I'm using the IQKeyboardManger library to scroll text fields when started typing using the keyboard, but I don't want to …

ios swift uitextfield ios-keyboard-extension iqkeyboardmanager
Disabling automatic scrolling of UITableView when editing UITextField inside UITableViewCell

I'm using custom UITableViewCells inside my UITableView. Each of these UITableViewCells is pretty high and contains a UITextField at the …

ios uitableview uiscrollview uitextfield
Properly Subclassing UITextField in swift

So i have these textfields that i realised that they all have same properties, so i created new class called "…

ios swift uitextfield subclass uitextfielddelegate
Enable copy and paste on UITextField without making it editable

I want the text in a UITextField (or ideally, a UILabel) to be non-editable, but at the same time give …

ios cocoa-touch uitextfield uilabel copy-paste
iPhone datepicker instead of keyboard?

How would you do that? I have a form with a UITextField. When I click in it I would like …

iphone forms keyboard uitextfield uidatepicker