Top "Uistackview" questions

The UIStackView class provides a streamlined interface for laying out a collection of views in either a column or a row.

IOS stackview addArrangedSubview add at specific index

How is it possible to add a arranged subview in a particular index in a UIStackView? something like: stackView.addArrangedSubview(…

ios swift uistackview
Unresponsive UIButton in subview added to UIStackView

In the detailViewController of a UISplitView I have subviews added to a UIStackView inside a UIScrollView. Just using system buttons …

swift uibutton scrollview uistackview
UITextview inside UIStackView

I added my UITextView inside UIStackView. But my textview is not Multiline. Auto layout is shown as below: As per …

ios iphone autolayout uitextview uistackview
UIStackView - hide and collapse subview with animation

I'm trying to hide UIStackView's subview like this: UIViewPropertyAnimator.runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration: 2.0, delay: 0, options: [.curveEaseOut], animations: { self.label.isHidden = true self.…

ios swift uistackview
How To: Self-Sizing Custom-View from XIB with StackView View in iOS

I've recently started diving into iOS development with Swift again and am now looking into a custom UIControl. For layout …

ios autolayout xib uistackview intrinsic-content-size
How to properly add an UIImageView inside an UIStackView

My UIImageView is loaded with a picture with a high resolution. When I add the UIImageView to the UIStackView, the …

ios uiimageview autolayout uistackview
UIStackView - Distribute views evenly from the centre

I have a UIStackView,inside a UIScrollView to show dynamically added subviews horizontally arranged. Current solution will start displaying items …

ios uiscrollview autolayout ios9 uistackview
Stackview exchange or change order of views

Stackview containing array of textfield is embedded in scrollview. I want to change the order of the text fields on …

ios uiview autolayout uistackview stackview
iOS: Can't change a width in a horizontal stackview

I'm starting with iOS app and creating a table view. In my table I have a cell like this. Now …

ios uistackview stackview
UIStackView's own intrinsicContentSize

I'm using the UIStackView with the following configuration: let contentView = UIStackView() contentView.distribution = .EqualSpacing contentView.alignment = .Center contentView.spacing = horizontalSpacing …

ios objective-c swift uikit uistackview