Top "Uistackview" questions

The UIStackView class provides a streamlined interface for laying out a collection of views in either a column or a row.

UIStackView : Is it really necessary to call both removeFromSuperView and removeArrangedSubview to remove a subview?

From the UIStackView Class Reference In removeArrangedSubview: To prevent the view from appearing on screen after calling the stack’s …

ios uistackview
changing property contentsGravity in transform-only layer, will have no effect

I started to create a very simple tic-tac-toe game. The main goal is to make the view proportional to all …

ios xcode ios9 xcode7 uistackview
Can you give UIStackView borders?

I'm trying to give 5 separate UIStackViews in my ViewController borders. I gave each of them an IBOutlet and then called …

swift uistackview
UIStackView "Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints" on "squished" hidden views

When my UIStackView "rows" are squished, they throw AutoLayout warnings. However, they display fine and nothing else is wrong besides …

ios autolayout uikit ios9 uistackview
Fix width of element in UIStackView

I create UIStackViews programmatically and add them to parent UIStackView, which is created in Storyboard. Child stack views are horizontal …

ios swift uistackview
How to set height of containers in stack view?

I'd like to ask you if it's possible to set height in percentage of each container placed in vertical stack …

objective-c swift autolayout uicontainerview uistackview
Resizing Button within a stackview

So I've be studying Swift/iOS development recently and I'm having a little trouble with sizing buttons within a stack …

ios uibutton autolayout uistackview
Fill Proportionally in UIStackView

I am using Storyboard to create a layout which consists of a UITableView and a UIView at the bottom. I …

ios autolayout uistackview
Remove views in UIstackview swift

I am new to swift. I have added view to stackview using addArrangedSubview(). But I am not able to remove …

ios user-interface uistackview
How Can I have multiple widths and heights of subviews in a UIStackView

Say for example I want to add 3 buttons to a stack view. Button1 is 200 * 200 (1) Button2 is 150 * 150 (0.75) Button3 is 100 * 100 (0.5) How can …

ios interface-builder uistackview