Top "Uicontainerview" questions

There is no public UIContainerView class in Cocoa Touch, but there is a pattern that uses a UIViewController as a container for one or more child view controllers.

Access Container View Controller from Parent iOS

in iOS6 I noticed the new Container View but am not quite sure how to access it's controller from the …

ios objective-c swift uiviewcontroller uicontainerview
How to add a Container View programmatically

A Container View can be easily added into a storyboard through Interface Editor. When added, a Container View is of …

ios cocoa-touch subview uicontainerview childviewcontroller
What does addChildViewController actually do?

I'm just dipping my feet for the first time into iOS development, and one of the first things I've had …

ios uiviewcontroller uicontainerview
How to add a subview that has its own UIViewController in Objective-C?

I am struggling with subviews that have their own UIViewControllers. I have a UIViewController with a view (light pink) and …

objective-c uitableview uiviewcontroller uicontainerview
Sizing a Container View with a controller of dynamic size inside a scrollview

I'm trying to create a container view, with a controller that has a dynamic height, inside a UIScrollView and have …

ios uiscrollview autolayout uicontainerview
How do I get the views inside a container in Swift?

I have a Container View that I popped into my storyboard. There's a wonderful little arrow that represents the embed …

ios swift uicontainerview
Swapping child views in a container view

Let ContainerView be the parent container view with two child content views: NavigationView and ContentView. I would like to be …

ios objective-c animation transitions uicontainerview
Hide a view container with a button in the ViewContainer

I have a View. In this view, I have a Container View. And in the ContainerView I have a button. …

ios swift uiview uibutton uicontainerview
How to set height of containers in stack view?

I'd like to ask you if it's possible to set height in percentage of each container placed in vertical stack …

objective-c swift autolayout uicontainerview uistackview
Access container view child properties swift

What I want to achieve: User presses the button in the ViewController then, the color of the button placed in …

xcode swift properties containers uicontainerview