Top "Uipresentationcontroller" questions

Introduced in iOS 8, UIPresentationControllers allow you to control the "chrome" during a custom view controller transition.

Custom size for Modal View loaded with Form Sheet presentation

I'm trying to load a UIViewController in iPad with Form Sheet presentation. The problem is the size of this new …

ios objective-c ipad uipresentationcontroller
UIPopoverPresentationController should have a non-nil sourceView or barButtonItem set before the presentation occurs on iOS 9

I'm trying to show a popup using a custom UIPopoverPresentationController class. But it crashes with the error(<UIPopoverPresentationController: 0x7…

objective-c exception ios9 subclassing uipresentationcontroller
iOS - Dismiss presented view controller touching outside its View

I have a CustomPresentationController which animates in and out with custom animations; This specific controller gets presented, more less at 50% …

ios swift3 uipresentationcontroller uipresentingcontroller