Top "Uipickerviewcontroller" questions

UIPickerViewController is a common misrepresentation of the combination of a UIPickerView, its delegate, and its data source.

Type "myViewController" does not conform to protocol UIPIckerDataSource in Swift

I just create a new class in Swift, it's called myViewController and it's a UIViewController. Now I'm trying to make …

ios xcode swift uipickerviewcontroller uipickerviewdatasource
Source type 1 not available

I have an app for iPhone and iPad, and when I try to load an UIPickerViewController in a UIPopoverController for …

ios ipad uipickerview uipopovercontroller uipickerviewcontroller
How do I make a UIPickerView in a UIActionSheet

Just want to know how I would make a UIPickerView in a UIActionSheet with a simple array. Ok well I …

iphone cocoa-touch uipickerview uiactionsheet uipickerviewcontroller
Reload Component in UI Picker View Swift

I am unable to reload the second component in my UIPickerView that is based on the first component. I tried …

xcode swift uipickerview uipickerviewcontroller