Top "Uipangesturerecognizer" questions

UIPanGestureRecognizer is a concrete subclass of UIGestureRecognizer that looks for panning (dragging) gestures.

How to stop UIPanGestureRecognizer when object moved to certain frame

I have an object of image type which I am moving using UIPanGestureRecognizer, and I need to stop recognizing the …

iphone objective-c ipad uigesturerecognizer uipangesturerecognizer
Tinder-Like Swipe Animation for iOS

I've followed this very helpful tutorial on how to add tinder-like swiping (; however, I have …

ios objective-c uiview swipe uipangesturerecognizer
How to determine true end velocity of pan gesture?

When using UIPanGestureRecognizer and detecting UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded, then the velocity of the gesture is not the true velocity. Instead, it's the …

iphone ios uipangesturerecognizer
Horizontal scrolling UIScrollView with vertical pan gesture

I am attempting to implement a UIScrollView where horizontally panning scrolls through pictures in the scrollview but vertically panning performs …

objective-c ios uiscrollview uipangesturerecognizer
How to complete interactive UIViewController transition?

I've been dabbling with the new iOS 7 custom transition API and looked through all the tutorials/documentation I could find …

iphone ios objective-c uiviewcontroller uipangesturerecognizer
How to limit pan gesture area?

I am having my UIImageView onto which I am having another UIView rectangle. By applying pan gesture to UIView rectangle …

iphone objective-c uiimageview uigesturerecognizer uipangesturerecognizer
Swipe to delete on CollectionView

I'm trying to replicate the swipe to delete functionality of iOS. I know it's instantly available on a tableview, but …

ios swift uipangesturerecognizer collectionview
Combining a UILongPressGestureRecognizer with a UIPanGestureRecognizer

I d'like to combine a UILongPressGestureRecognizer with a UIPanGestureRecognizer. The UIPanGestureRecognizer should start with a long press. Is there a …

objective-c cocoa-touch uigesturerecognizer uipangesturerecognizer uilongpressgesturerecogni