Top "Collectionview" questions

The Marionette CollectionView displays a Backbone collection object by rendering each objects through the specified childView View object.

iOS UICollectionView prototype cell size property ignored

I'm using a UICollectionView with two prototype cells. The prototype cells have different widths and contain different controls (image view …

ios uicollectionview collectionview
How to insert Cell in UICollectionVIew Programmatically?

I have a UICollectionView and it works fine, but I want to add a few UICollectionViewCells items programmatically into the …

ios objective-c collectionview
How can I add multiple collection views in a UIViewController in Swift?

I tried many days to realise this: I want to add in my UIViewController two different CollectionView. For example I …

ios swift collectionview
Where do I get a thread-safe CollectionView?

When updating a collection of business objects on a background thread I get this error message: This type of CollectionView …

.net wpf multithreading thread-safety collectionview
Stuck understanding how to create a table with multiple columns in iOS Swift

I've spent the better half of the day so far researching and trying to understand how to make a table …

ios swift collectionview
Collection View Cells not appearing

I want to display as many collectionViewCells with buttons as there are strings in my array. but when I start …

ios xcode swift uicollectionviewcell collectionview
How to get indexpath from row index Swift

I am loading an array to UIcollectionview(later will add other data) . I want to select collection view item randomly …

ios swift collectionview indexpath
Is force cast really bad and should always avoid it?

I started to use swiftLint and noticed one of the best practices for Swift is to avoid force cast. However …

swift uitableview tableview uicollectionviewcell collectionview
Using CollectionView in UIView with xib file

i'm doing with this, i want to use CollectionView, but i haven't seen prototype cell, and don't know how to …

ios swift uiview uicollectionview collectionview
Get filtered items from a CollectionView

I have a ListCollectionView which has had a filter applied to it. In order to get the filtered items from …

c# .net wpf collectionview