Top "Collectionview" questions

The Marionette CollectionView displays a Backbone collection object by rendering each objects through the specified childView View object.

How to get real count of a CollectionView, when Filter is in use?

When I have a <Label Content="{Binding ItemCount}"/> on my View to bind to a property on the …

c# .net wpf silverlight collectionview
prepareForSegue collectionView indexPath using swift

I don't find any good example to do what I want using swift so I allow myself to ask the …

swift uistoryboardsegue collectionview
Set rounded corners on UIimage in UICollectionViewCell in swift

I have a simple problem that I cannot find a solution to on google, the docs or here. I have …

ios swift uiimage viewcontroller collectionview
Paged Collection View in WPF

Is there an implementation of PagedCollectionView in WPF around? It exists in Silverlight but isn't in WPF. If there isn't, …

c# wpf paging collectionview
CollectionView duplicate cell when loading more data

The problem: I have a CollectionView which loads a UIimage into each cell. However my problem is that when I …

ios swift uiimageview collectionview
How do GroupStyles work?

I have a ListView Control bound to a ListCollectionView in a ViewModel. I wanted to try to group these items …

wpf xaml listview grouping collectionview
WPF DataGrid ignores SortDescription

I've got a strange problem here regarding sorting of a WPF DataGrid (System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid in .NET 4.0). Its ItemsSource …

wpf sorting datagrid collectionview
How to programmatically select cell in collectionView in swift 3?

I'm new to swift and been having trouble programmatically selecting collectionview cells in collectionView. I've found only instructions for tableview …

ios swift collectionview
CRASH attempt to delete and reload the same index path

CollectionViewController.m line 439 __50-[CollectionViewController photoLibraryDidChange:]_block_invoke Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException attempt to delete and reload the same index path ( {…

ios objective-c ios8 collectionview photokit