CRASH attempt to delete and reload the same index path

Ted picture Ted · Mar 30, 2015 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

CollectionViewController.m line 439 __50-[CollectionViewController photoLibraryDidChange:]_block_invoke

Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException attempt to delete and reload the same index path ( {length = 2, path = 0 - 26007})

- (void)photoLibraryDidChange:(PHChange *)changeInstance
    // Call might come on any background queue. Re-dispatch to the main queue to handle it.
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

        // check if there are changes to the assets (insertions, deletions, updates)
        PHFetchResultChangeDetails *collectionChanges = [changeInstance changeDetailsForFetchResult:self.assetsFetchResults];
        if (collectionChanges) {

            // get the new fetch result
            self.assetsFetchResults = [collectionChanges fetchResultAfterChanges];

            UICollectionView *collectionView = self.collectionView;

            if (![collectionChanges hasIncrementalChanges] || [collectionChanges hasMoves]) {
                // we need to reload all if the incremental diffs are not available
                [collectionView reloadData];

            } else {
                // if we have incremental diffs, tell the collection view to animate insertions and deletions
                [collectionView performBatchUpdates:^{
                    NSIndexSet *removedIndexes = [collectionChanges removedIndexes];
                    if ([removedIndexes count]) {
                        [collectionView deleteItemsAtIndexPaths:[removedIndexes aapl_indexPathsFromIndexesWithSection:0]];
                    NSIndexSet *insertedIndexes = [collectionChanges insertedIndexes];
                    if ([insertedIndexes count]) {
                        [collectionView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:[insertedIndexes aapl_indexPathsFromIndexesWithSection:0]];
                    NSIndexSet *changedIndexes = [collectionChanges changedIndexes];
                    if ([changedIndexes count]) {
                        [collectionView reloadItemsAtIndexPaths:[changedIndexes aapl_indexPathsFromIndexesWithSection:0]];
                } completion:NULL];

            [self resetCachedAssets];


I can't replicate the issue. What could be the problem? Thanks a lot!


batkru picture batkru · Mar 31, 2015

I was able to reproduce this today. To do this you need to:

  1. Open your app that is listening for changes
  2. Open the photos app, save a set of photos to your photo library from an iCloud shared album
  3. Go to the photos app, delete some of those photos
  4. Go again to the iCloud shared album and save again the some of the photos you deleted. You'll see this condition happen.

I found an updated code that seems to work better to handle the updating behavior here:

But it still doesn't handle this situation nor when the indexes to be deleted are bigger (i.e. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'attempt to delete item 9 from section 0 which only contains 9 items before the update'). I created this updated version of this code that deals with this better and hasn't crashed for me anymore so far.

func photoLibraryDidChange(changeInfo: PHChange!) {

    // Photos may call this method on a background queue;
    // switch to the main queue to update the UI.
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {

        // Check for changes to the list of assets (insertions, deletions, moves, or updates).
        if let collectionChanges = changeInfo.changeDetailsForFetchResult(self.assetsFetchResult) {

            // Get the new fetch result for future change tracking.
            self.assetsFetchResult = collectionChanges.fetchResultAfterChanges

            if collectionChanges.hasIncrementalChanges {

                // Get the changes as lists of index paths for updating the UI.
                var removedPaths: [NSIndexPath]?
                var insertedPaths: [NSIndexPath]?
                var changedPaths: [NSIndexPath]?
                if let removed = collectionChanges.removedIndexes {
                    removedPaths = self.indexPathsFromIndexSetWithSection(removed,section: 0)
                if let inserted = collectionChanges.insertedIndexes {
                    insertedPaths = self.indexPathsFromIndexSetWithSection(inserted,section: 0)
                if let changed = collectionChanges.changedIndexes {
                    changedPaths = self.indexPathsFromIndexSetWithSection(changed,section: 0)
                var shouldReload = false
                if changedPaths != nil && removedPaths != nil{
                    for changedPath in changedPaths!{
                        if contains(removedPaths!,changedPath){
                            shouldReload = true


                if removedPaths?.last?.item >= self.assetsFetchResult.count{
                    shouldReload = true

                if shouldReload{
                    // Tell the collection view to animate insertions/deletions/moves
                    // and to refresh any cells that have changed content.
                            if let theRemovedPaths = removedPaths {
                            if let theInsertedPaths = insertedPaths {
                            if let theChangedPaths = changedPaths{
                            if (collectionChanges.hasMoves) {
                                collectionChanges.enumerateMovesWithBlock() { fromIndex, toIndex in
                                    let fromIndexPath = NSIndexPath(forItem: fromIndex, inSection: 0)
                                    let toIndexPath = NSIndexPath(forItem: toIndex, inSection: 0)
                                    self.collectionView.moveItemAtIndexPath(fromIndexPath, toIndexPath: toIndexPath)
                        }, completion: nil)


            } else {
                // Detailed change information is not available;
                // repopulate the UI from the current fetch result.

func indexPathsFromIndexSetWithSection(indexSet:NSIndexSet?,section:Int) -> [NSIndexPath]?{
    if indexSet == nil{
        return nil
    var indexPaths:[NSIndexPath] = []

    indexSet?.enumerateIndexesUsingBlock { (index, Bool) -> Void in
        indexPaths.append(NSIndexPath(forItem: index, inSection: section))
    return indexPaths


Swift 3 / iOS 10 version:

func photoLibraryDidChange(_ changeInstance: PHChange) {
    guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else {

    // Photos may call this method on a background queue;
    // switch to the main queue to update the UI.
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        guard let fetchResults = self.fetchResults else {

        // Check for changes to the list of assets (insertions, deletions, moves, or updates).
        if let collectionChanges = changeInstance.changeDetails(for: fetchResults) {
            // Get the new fetch result for future change tracking.
            self.fetchResults = collectionChanges.fetchResultAfterChanges

            if collectionChanges.hasIncrementalChanges {
                // Get the changes as lists of index paths for updating the UI.
                var removedPaths: [IndexPath]?
                var insertedPaths: [IndexPath]?
                var changedPaths: [IndexPath]?
                if let removed = collectionChanges.removedIndexes {
                    removedPaths = self.indexPaths(from: removed, section: 0)
                if let inserted = collectionChanges.insertedIndexes {
                    insertedPaths = self.indexPaths(from:inserted, section: 0)
                if let changed = collectionChanges.changedIndexes {
                    changedPaths = self.indexPaths(from: changed, section: 0)
                var shouldReload = false
                if let removedPaths = removedPaths, let changedPaths = changedPaths {
                    for changedPath in changedPaths {
                        if removedPaths.contains(changedPath) {
                            shouldReload = true

                if let item = removedPaths?.last?.item {
                    if item >= fetchResults.count {
                        shouldReload = true

                if shouldReload {
                } else {
                    // Tell the collection view to animate insertions/deletions/moves
                    // and to refresh any cells that have changed content.
                        if let theRemovedPaths = removedPaths {
                            collectionView.deleteItems(at: theRemovedPaths)
                        if let theInsertedPaths = insertedPaths {
                            collectionView.insertItems(at: theInsertedPaths)
                        if let theChangedPaths = changedPaths {
                            collectionView.reloadItems(at: theChangedPaths)

                        collectionChanges.enumerateMoves { fromIndex, toIndex in
                            collectionView.moveItem(at: IndexPath(item: fromIndex, section: 0),
                                                    to: IndexPath(item: toIndex, section: 0))
            } else {
                // Detailed change information is not available;
                // repopulate the UI from the current fetch result.

func indexPaths(from indexSet: IndexSet?, section: Int) -> [IndexPath]? {
    guard let set = indexSet else {
        return nil

    return { (index) -> IndexPath in
        return IndexPath(item: index, section: section)